swm in colors

In a fast-moving world that continually demands so much of us, swm in colors is an open-access project that invites community members to take an intentional creative pause. Each “set” includes a coloring sheet and accompanying playlist designed to be engaged simultaneously. Made for kids of all ages, swm in colors is an explicit attempt to disrupt the grind of capitalism through sound, color, space, and rest.

Please use frequently and share widely. If you do, please cite shea and/or tag them on socials (@sheathescholar) using the hashtag #swmincolors.

swm in colors, volume 1


    F*CK THIS SHIT reflects an exasperation and frustration with the systems in which we continue to exist. the set invites community members to breathe, color, scream, and laugh through rage, despair, uncertainty, and anxiety.

    Coloring Sheet: PDF | PNG
    Playlist: Spotify | Apple Music

  • bloom, baby, bloom

    bloom, baby, bloom encourages creators to dream, reflect, and express joy through color and sound. it is a reminder of our brilliance, beauty, and worthiness in this world.

    Coloring Sheet: PDF | PNG
    Playlist: Spotify | Apple Music